Domain Catchall in Zimbra

Sometimes, it may require to receive all emails by an email account under a domain non-existence account. It would require mostly in below scenarios.

a.    You have deleted some email accounts from your server under a domain name. Now, you want to receive all of their emails.
b.    You would like to monitor all of the emails received to your domain non-existence account.
c.     You configure a new server with minimal email accounts.
d.    You just migrated your email service into a new platform/server. However, you did not create all of the email accounts.

It is wise to create a catchall account so that all the emails for the non-existence accounts shall forward to this catchall account.

Test Case:
Catchall account:

Execute below commands:

root@mail:~# su - zimbra
zimbra@mail:~$ zmprov modifyAccount zimbraMailCatchAllAddress

If the email arrives for the non-existence users "", "", and "", it will be delivered to the catchall account "".

This setting will increase the amount of spam delivered, and can lead to being blacklisted the IP address of the server.

Undo Catchall:
To remove the catchall from an email account, unset the catchall address:
zimbra@mail:~$  zmprov modifyAccount zimbraMailCatchallAddress ""


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