Configure Alias (Auto BCC) in Postfix

Sometimes we have to set auto forwarding in between addresses. For example, a department head shall get all the inbound emails received by his team members. We can achieve such target using aliases of postfix.

Step 1: Create an alias file including its’ database. By default there is an aliases file in the server. If not, please proceed as below.

root@mail:~# touch /etc/postfix/aliases

root@mail:~# postalias /etc/postfix/aliases

Step 2: Open the aliases file and set necessary aliases as required.

root@mail:~# vim /etc/postfix/aliases

user1: user1,hod

user2: user2,hod


Step 3: Update database.

root@mail:~# postalias /etc/postfix/aliases

This alias acts like auto BCC. In this case user1, user2 shall not get any notification of this forwarding.


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