Install SNMP and Configure Community String in CentOS

We have to regularly monitor server resources e.g. CPU, RAM, Storage, Network Bandwidth Utilization as a day-to-day activity. By monitoring the resources, we may find out the exact cause of any incident that might occur due to full resource utilization. It can guide us to increase the resources as well if require.

We are currently using Observium and Cacti to monitor resource utilization. In order to connect the servers with the observium/Cacti, we have to configure SNMPD in the server.

You may follow below guideline to install it in CentOS servers.

Test Environment: CentOS 7


Step 1: Install SNMPD.

[root@vps ~]# yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils -y


Step 2: Verify that it is set to start at startup

[root@vps ~]# systemctl enable snmpd


Step 3: Rename the existing snmpd.conf file and create a new one.

[root@vps ~]#mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf  /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.ori

[root@vps ~]#touch /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf


Step 4: Configure the SNMP community string.

[root@vps ~]# vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

rocommunity mystring@322

syslocation "Observium Server"



Step 5: Restart snmpd service.

[root@vps ~]# systemctl restart snmpd


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